Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Walking Alone

Although you seek the company of others, you walk your path alone. There is no need for companionship as you journey in search of your life's purpose. It is in the solitude that you can hear your spirit. With useless chatter you hear nothing but the voices of others telling you what to do. And in moments of weakness you follow what others may say. It is not your path as you well know, but it is easier to follow others than it is to forage on your own. If you release your fears and face your future with the believe that you are here for a purpose, then you will never be lost. Trust that you are where you are supposed at this moment and all will be clear. Do not fear that you are lost, for it is this fear that binds you. You do not have to know everything, but live in the moment with love and compassion for others. Today, be kind to yourself. Seek your own company as you go through the day. Be open to all that will come to mind as you live in this new found peace. By walking alone, you may find out what your purpose is.
Imagine what you can discover if you open your mind to the impossible...
(I'm not sure if anyone who hasn't ever been alone can understand what this means. Being surrounded by people throughout my life, I could only imagine what it would be like. It is only being alone for one year, I can truly say that I understand. First, the silence that comes is almost deafening. Second, being alone and not having anyone around can be oppressive. And lastly, going out by myself made me feel sad. Being by myself made me appreciate my loved ones even more and yet it also made me realize the importance of being comfortable with being alone. It always seems to go back to just being.)

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