Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Watching The World Go By

The world moves so quickly that it is sometimes impossible to be still. It is with effort that you try to quiet your mind so that you don't lose your thoughts so easily. Recapturing what was lost is difficult when you have nothing to remind you of what you were thinking about in the first place. As time goes by, it maybe more difficult to slow down your life. It may even be uncomfortable trying to empty your mind of all thoughts. Even trying to stop physical movement is difficult. Retraining your mind, body, and soul to be still again is important so that you can regain a sense of balance. When you move so quickly, your thoughts are easily entwined with others. Be still and you will see much clearer where the universe is leading you. Today, be quiet and listen to all that surrounds you. Notice how busy life can be and ask yourself if this is how you want your life to be. Living a gentler life does not mean being any less focused. By watching the world go by, you begin to better understand the role you play in the universe.
Sometimes we need to sit on the sidelines to see our path clearer...
(I have learned to slow down my life, although it's taken over a year to become less uncomfortable with my efforts. Sometimes when we change our basic nature, it feels unnatural. At first, I felt as if I wasn't accomplishing as much as I should but then I realized that the quality of my efforts weren't as good. Taking a break from the busyness has helped me to identify the priorities in my life and make the adjustments that I needed. It has been a work in progress but I feel so much better. I can hear the universe so much better now.)

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