Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Good In The World

When you are only aware of the ills in the world, the good is often times overlooked. You see only what you want to see. It is easier to see the hurt, disappointments, jealousy and anger that everyone has for each other that it sometimes overshadows all. It is not that these ills do not exist, for they do but it is harmful to say that this is all that there is in the world. If you look between the cracks that the media has shown you, you will see the light that shines from the good within people. For every negative that you have heard and seen, there are multiple positive things that are occurring simultaneously. Be assured that there is still good in the world and there is more good to come. You are part of the movement to change the world for the good of mankind. Today, be the change that you want to happen. If there is only despair around you, be the light that shines through the darkness. You have the strength and courage to be the one to step forward to make the change that the world is waiting to happen.
We will worry about the ills of the world tomorrow...
(It often times amazes me when people only see what is wrong with the world. They are so busy grumbling about how things could be better, that they overlook the wonderful things that are happening in front of their eyes. So many moments are being missed as their blindness keeps them from seeing the beauty of the world. I truly believe that there is so much good in the world and not all of them are hidden from us. If we can accept that goodness exists, we may be able to see it. I hope I am part of the goodness that exists in the world.)

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