Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Trusting In Yourself

Now more than ever it's important to trust in yourself. You stand on a strong foundation, so move forward with confidence. In this world of technology, you will hear and see so many deceivers that it is difficult to believe in anything. Some things may not ring true, although you are being told that this is what is happening. Look within yourself and feel what your gut is telling you. Only you can decipher what is true or not. In the coming year, there will be many people who will spread gossip and untruths. It is not that they mean to be vindictive, it is only what they have been told is the truth. The lies stop with you. Be mindful not to spread to others what you know is not right. It would be unjust for you to hurt those that are being slandered by continuing the tales you have heard. Trust in yourself that you live by a different code of behavior. Only you can hold yourself to a higher standard. It is admirable for you to separate yourself from what you know is not true and live a life of integrity. Today, listen to others more closely and see between their words. Trust in your instincts and you will be protected.
There is beauty around us if we only open our eyes to see...
(Sometimes I'm too trusting that I don't always see lies until someone points them out to me or until I see the consequences that come out of them. I know that many repeat things only because it makes for a good story, but how many people are hurt because of it. It's at this time that it pays to have a bad memory. I can't pass on what I can't remember. Although I guess it wasn't good to hear it in the first place. Gossip is truly toxic.)

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