Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sabotaging Your Future

You wish to reach for your potential and you often ask what lies ahead, but when the time comes to realize your vision you sabotage your future. It's as natural as breathing and most times you may not even know what you are doing. When things don't occur the way you were told, you rationalize your failures. Some of you may say it was meant to be. The universe allows you so much freedom to accomplish so much, yet you let your fears block yourself from achieving what you know can be yours. No one said the path to success was going to be easy or that it would come without a challenge. The more difficult your path, the more you reason that it is not the way for you to go. Look beyond the path and visualize your goal. What will it take to get to where you want to go. sometimes your goal may not be as clear as it was when you first saw it, but take a moment to remember what you envisioned. It is still there waiting for you, but getting there depends on how much you still want it. Today, give no excuses. Do you want it or not? You decide whether the future you saw is worth fighting for or be content with what you already have. The future is truly yours to design.
 When things get in your way, go around it to get the best view...
(It's frustrating not being able to help others through their difficult time. As an outsider, I can do only so much. I realize their future lies in their hands. I can only pray that they have the courage to overcom what is familiar and reach for what they dream for.)

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