Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Loving Unconditionally

How easily it is for us to give our heart away when we fall in love. Our love seems to have no bounds when we are in love. But how many of us are able to say that we love unconditionally? To give love without asking for anything back. To have no expectation of the other person, except to love them as they are. Believing in the goodness you see in their spirit and in their faults which only make them the human we all are. To love them even when we don't understand them. To accept them for who they are, not for who they might be one day. To know that our love transcends all judgement and inspite of all things we love more each day. We all have the ability to love unconditionally, but only a few of us experience a love as great as this. Today, as you share your love with others, remember to receive what others give back to you. You deserve no less than what you have been giving to others. You are part of the circle of love. Now it's your turn to receive.
When we're really quiet, it's amazing what we find...
(As humans, I think we all have expectations of others, but this is part of loving. To expect the best from someone, yet understanding their failings. I love my children without condition, but do I have expectations of them. Absolutely. I guess loving them unconditionally and still expecting them to  be the best they can be is still okay.)

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