Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Would You Wish For

There are so many things that we wish for that we often times forget what they are. Most are not that important, but we see it differently when we are in the state of wanting them. It's as if the world as we see it, would change for the better if we were to attain these things. How fortunate our life would be if we were to realize our wishes. Some would say that this is one of the most selfish things that we can afford to do because it's a desire within ourselves. No one need to know what your desires are but you. But that being said, what would you wish for if the world was your oyster? Now that you are being allowed the luxury of dreaming, what would it be? Sometimes being given permission to think outside of what deems to be the reality may not be as easy as it may seem. Because we don't often give ourselves the freedom to dream, it may take a little while to think of things we would wish for. Be wise and listen to the voice within you that directs your most secret desires. Today, relax your mind and be free of your worries for only then can you begin to dream.
The more you empty your mind, the more you will be able to see...
(Being a realist, it's sometimes difficult for me to wish for things. I wonder how close wanting is to wishing. For me, the act of wishing is like dreaming in that I'm not confident that I'm going to get what I'm thinking about. I guess that's why I don't often times wish for things. If I want something I set my mind to get it. I may not know when or how, but I know I will. I guess that's more in the lines of manifesting. This is all semantics: dreaming, wishing, wanting, manifesting. The bottom line is getting what you desire.)

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