Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Releasing Negative Thoughts

When you are in the middle of a storm, it's difficult to remember what it's like to have clear weather. All you know at the time is darkness, torrential rain and winds. The only thing you can do at this time is to make sure you are safe and out of danger. This is what happens when you are surrounded by negative thoughts. Your world becomes smaller and although you try to make sense of where you are, you are lost in swirling emotions. When your world becomes filled with thoughts of anger, jealousy, and hopelessness, you begin to strike out at others. Although you may not realize what you are doing, you will hurt others without thought. You separate yourself from others when your life is filled with negative thoughts. The calm that you seek is no longer within your reach. It is up to you to stop and find the cause of these feelings. Releasing negative thoughts is necessary in order to have the peaceful life you seek. Today, think before speaking. Reflect upon the words that you have been using that are hurting others. It is not in your nature to do harm to yourself and others. If you are in negative thought, work through them and allow yourself to have the life that you deserve.

In life, we have so many paths to choose from...
(When I'm stuck in a negative thought, I want to stay there for just a second. I need the time to process what I'm going through. I figure there is a reason why I'm feeling the way I am because I'm not necessarily a negative person. Of course, it's all about me, so what is it about me that I'm not feeling confident about myself. I can understand why some people stay with their negative thoughts. The thoughts become like a blanket protecting you, so you don't have to deal with others. I guess that's why I try to get over it as quickly as I can. My family and friends are my life.)

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