Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Be Safe

As life keeps us busy, we sometimes forget there is danger that surrounds us. We are lulled in thinking that we are safe that we become careless. It seems the only time we take action is if we are alerted that danger is near.  We are reminded as to what we can do to prepare for emergencies but how many of us take these precautions seriously. There are some of us that may take light of these warnings because it seems as if nothing ever occurs. But it takes only one time for a disaster to happen that can change our life drastically. It doesn't take much to preplan for an emergency. It is important that we begin taking steps to prepare, so that we are able to help those in need in times of an emergency. Today, plan for the worst. If you are prepared for disasters, you will feel safer if something actually does occur. This is a time when natural disasters will come, so be calm and be safe.

All is calm...
(I'd like to think I'm prepared for disasters, but just arriving in Maui today and having a tsunami watch is pretty daunting. I have been focused on moving so being in an emergency situation was not on my list of things to be prepared for. We are about a block from the beach and there is hardly any food in our cupboard. Hopefully, we don't have to move to higher ground. It's good to know that we are always where we need to be. But I wish I was in a safer area right now.)

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