Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Emptying Your Mind

Often times our mind is filled with so much worries that it prevents us from moving. Not only does it stop us from moving forward, but backwards and sidewards. We are paralyzed in making any movement in case it's the wrong move. Although not all of us suffer this affliction, we all have had bouts of this every once and awhile. It's not a pleasant place to be, but it's difficult for us to step out of it once we begin the process. It often times spirals, increasing in momentum as time goes by. If we don't consciously stop this thought process it can be detrimental to us. Decision making becomes painful and we often times feel we have to confer with others in deciding what to do. Hopefully, we speak to the right people but there may be times that we don't choose the most appropriate person and then wonder why our path has suddenly become more difficult. To say that when worrying becomes a problem you should empty your mind is easier said than done, but this is something that must be considered. Begin to retrain your mind to refocus on something that brings you pleasure. The problem will remain whether you take your mind off it or not, but taking a step away often times brings clarity as to what you need to do. Be still, be patient, and seek pleasure and your worries will soon become opportunities for you to learn and grow. Today, be aware of where your mind leads you. For every worry, do something that makes you happy. Living a balanced life is not easy, but worth the peace and serenity it brings.
There is something about water that is so relaxing...
(I'm guilty of worrying myself to procrastination. I understand that the problem still exists whether I do anything or not but it's more there than not when I'm in a state of worrying and I'm really good at it. Hindsight, I can see more clearly and wonder what the fuss was about, but at the time driving myself crazy is inevitable. I don't gather advice from others because I don't remember what they tell me. My memory is still an issue. So I guess the best bet is to have a time line. Acknowledge, assess, consult, plan a strategy, implement, resolve. Sounds good on paper, we'll see how this works.)

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