Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Standing Up

You speak with a soft voice and flow with the universal energy. But there are times when you question the ways of the world and yet you still do not speak. You may think by speaking softly and helping others that you are one of compassion but having compassion includes caring for yourself. You have forget that you must tend to yourself to understand true compassion. Being filled with questions and doubting what surrounds you is false. For how can you truly flow with the universal energy if you do not understand it. So there are times in life where you need to stand up and question yourself and others. Find out why you say the words you do and why you react in such a manner. Stand up for what you believe in, do not let others lead you to where you do not belong. It's okay to be apart from where others tend to go. You are all unique and the voice which you hear is your own. Believe in yourself and stand up for what you know is right. Today, acknowledge your feelings. It is not an easy path to know that you are different. If you listen more closely to your spirit, you will never be lead astray.
This is where your mind can be at peace...
(I'm always wondering why when I think I have everything set, something comes up that challenges my peace of mind. I guess that's the lesson. How quickly can one return to a peaceful state of mind when controversy knocks on the back door? I surprised myself at how quickly I responded when my peace of mind was threatened last night. I guess found out where I truly am when there was an element of surprise involved and I reacted in truth. Although I questioned myself later and confirmed with a very good friend, I was okay with my words and actions. D - thank you so much for being who you are. For it is only in being true to yourself that you helped me cross the bridge so I can now stand up for myself.)

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