Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wasting Valuable Time

You tend to waste valuable time when you are being critical of others. You have your own path to walk, which is difficult as is, then spending time trying to resolve other people's issues. You are all unique and your experiences are so different, why would you think that they would respond the same way or have the same behaviors as yourself. It's not easy to understand those you don't know, so you instill in them your own behaviors. When they don't act or respond the way you would, you judge them as being inappropriate. You are wasting time in doing this. Your path is to resolve your own issues and those that you come across. It is not to tell others what they are to do. It is discomforting to see others doing things that you would never do, but that's what makes the universe the way it is. Be at peace with yourself and with others for you have a long journey to travel. Today, look within yourself before judging others. You all have only so much time to achieve what it is that you are here for. Do not waste precious time in being critical of others. Your time is for you to attain the things that you want, not to be still in watching how others behave.
People watching is one of the most interesting things to do...

(I don't often spend time thinking about the behaviors of others because I think it's such a useless past time. I do get irritated for a second when I see people behaving badly towards others, but then I either do something about it or think how karma will come into play in the future. Hopefully sooner then later.)

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