Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Walking Away With Dignity

Sometimes it's best to walk away before things are said that you truly don't mean. It is out of anger and frustration that you say things that hurt each other. If you took the time to think about what you are feeling then there would be no harm done. But you speak before you think and all forgiveness is forgotten. There is no reasoning when there is only hurt. There is no room for logic when emotions are running so high. How can you understand others when you can't understand the words that are coming out of their mouths. You tend to disagree with yourself. It's knowing when to walk away before an argument escalates. There will always be a problem in understanding others' point of view when they have a different perspective. That's when it's time to be still and to think about what you are trying to prove. What is the outcome you would like to see happen. Sometimes it means stepping back and conceding so that a reasonable conversation can begin again. Do no harm is a motto that you should stick with. Today, silence is the best way to go. It is sometimes in the stillness that you make the best decisions. It is not always up to you to have all the answers. Let others decide which is the best way to go. Let go of the control and you will see how far you can journey.
Ducks look so peaceful in the water...
(I tend to avoid conflict. It's so stressful for me and I usually end up trying to appease the other person. I think it's easier to handle conflict in a professional setting because I have a script to follow which supports my decisions. I'm learning to be more assertive in my personal life by not taking responsibility for things that aren't mine. Letting go of the control is half the battle and the other half is being okay with having people get upset with me. If I believe that people have a right to be who they are, then that comes with having a different perspective. Living in peace is an active state of being.)

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