Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting Sidetracked

Sometimes when it seems as if you are being pulled in so many directions, it's difficult to make sense of the world. It seems as if there are many things to do that making a decision as to which is more important seems difficult for they are all important to you. It very easy to get sidetracked in thinking that you are not accomplishing anything, but when looking back hindsight you will see the progress that you've made. You may feel as if you are standing still because everything seems to be moving so quickly and you can not tend to everything, so nothing seems to have gotten done. Especially when your job is to help others. You complete your mission successfully, but what about your progress, have you jeopardized your journey for the sake of others. Remember that you are here not only to help yourself on your path, but to help and support others on their journey. It's difficult to think of your life as your own when we are all interconnected. You are not being sidetracked, but given a new direction which is to seek to help others and by doing this you will journey much farther. Today, be flexible. Today you will see that your journey includes many others besides yourself. Stand aside and see how many people are affected by your presence. You are important to many.
 On days like these, it's okay to be sidetracked...

(When I get caught up with my kids' life, I find myself floundering a little. Going from mom mode to a career mentality can mess me up. It takes time to go from one to the other, but doing it over the years has given me practice. It's just as they older, it seems to come with young adult attitude which can be tiring. I understand that getting sidetracked is part of my journey, it's just getting back on the path that takes adjusting to.)

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