Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Quiet Voice Is Heard

Many believe that the louder we speak, the more attention we will receive. This may be somewhat true, but at what point do others stop listening to what we have to say. As children, we threw tantrums trying to get our way, but we soon discovered that our efforts were tiring and fruitless. Yelling doesn't seem to work when no one understands what we are saying. After awhile, we need to be clear about what it is that we are asking of others. What is the point of our drama, when we lose focus of what is important. When we use our words wisely and speak in a quiet voice then all will wait to hear what we have to say. If others do not listen, it's not because they can't hear us, but they are not ready to hear what we have to say. It's not the message that is important, it's the way that we deliver it that remains on everyone's mind. Remember that a quiet voice is heard by all. Today, watch how others communicate with each other. You will find that many try so hard to get their point across that they forget what their message was. Think before you speak and respect your audience. Others will listen carefully when you mean what you say and say what you mean.
A quiet moment...
(Sometimes I wonder how useful protesting is in making a difference. What is the best way to express discontentment? Yelling and screaming at others, may work for some. But I'm not into drama, so this method just doesn't work for me. I guess using a quiet voice may be the best bet for me. At least others will have to stop and listen or else they'll miss my whole message. I guess that's the point. Listen or miss what may be important to your journey.)

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