Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Being Open To Opportunities

How many of us ask for guidance and then wait patiently for help to arrive? It may never occur to us that in the asking, there may be things that we need to do to while we are waiting. We may not realize it, but life is interactive. When asking for something, how are you going to receive it if you have closed yourself off to others. The very thing that we ask for may be the thing that we fear the most. If we truly want to attain something, how can we move beyond our fears and open ourselves to begin to receive. If we ask ourselves what is it that we need to do to attain what we want, we will receive the answer. It is then up to us to put it into action. There is a whole world waiting for us, if we only open ourselves to the opportunities that will bring us joy. Today, think about what you are asking for in your prayers. What are you doing to actively get what you want? Are you working towards your goal or are you just waiting around for things to come to you. Whether it's your fate or destiny for it to come to pass, you still have to open the door to let it in. Concentrate on one thing for now and see how things will begin to flow.
Sometimes its the oddest things that make us pause...

(I never really thought that I had to do anything more than to ask for something and then wait for it to happen. But I've been told several times in the past few days, that if I want what I'm asking for I need to change how I do things. What is scary is that I've built a wall around me to protect me from others. Not that anyone is actually trying to do me harm, but none the less it's there. So how can I ask to have something come into my life, if the very walls that I've erected is stopping me from receiving what I want. So interesting, more food for thought.)

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