Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Wounded Child Within Us

For most of us, there is a child within us that has a need to feel safe. As we are growing up, we are reassured by others that the world around us won't hurt us and our well being is not threatened. But there are some, where safety is still an issue for them. The need to protect oneself is human nature, but to feel that we always have to be concerned about this is challenging, especially in a relationship. Developing trust is an ongoing struggle, for fear that the other person will eventually hurt us. How can the wounded child be healed if no one can get close enough to touch this child's heart? There are many wounded children in the world who need our patience and nurturing to help them journey on their path. Who amongst us has the strength to take on this task? Today, look within yourself and acknowledge the child. Appreciate the knowledge this child brings to your life and listen to the fears that hinder you from moving forward. Healing the child within is only part of our journey in life.
Letting the child within play is part of the healing process...

(I sometimes have to remember that it's not only about learning to play, but it's about my actions and behaviors. The child within me comes out when I'm irritable and tired. She whines, snaps and often times throws a pretty mean tantrum. It's not often that she appears, but when she does it's a reaction from the past. I'll need to resolve some of the past hurts to begin healing the child that is within me.) 

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