Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Preparing For Stormy Weather

After several days of gloomy weather, we appreciate when the sun comes out to brighten our day. But what happens when we are blessed with months of great weather, no grey clouds to dampen our days. Most of us forget what it's like walking around feeling depressed because the weather is not cooperating. So when it begins to rain again, we get angry that we are being inconvenienced. Not understanding that winter weather is a natural occurence and not something unusual. Like the weather, when we are blessed with a fortunate life, we are sometimes surprised when things don't go well. We get upset that our life is now in turmoil and question why this is happening to us. Instead of acknowledging the blessings that we have in our life, we feel put upon. Life is like the weather, we don't appreciate what we have until the clouds roll in. Today, count your blessings. Whether your life is balanced or not, everything is as it ought to be. You can't always know what is going to happen in the future, but we can prepare for the worst. Begin by carrying an umbrella to keep you from getting wet.
What a beautiful day...

(It's been so sunny these past few weeks that I can't remember when the last down pour was. Since I've been going to the beach on the weekends, I am more aware of the weather than before. I notice when the clouds roll in and when the wind begins to pick up. I wish I was more aware of the subtle nuances in my life, so that I can prepare for what may happen. Going to the beach is alot easier than deciding what to do with my life.) 

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