Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How Much Have You Learned?

You are so proud of yourself. You've grown so much and have overcome adversity. Bad habits and fears seem to be part of your past. There has been so much that you've gone through and you are not who you were. You've surrounded yourself with loving and caring people. They are there to nurture you and support you. Being comfortable with you who have become is an important moment for you. Then one day, you find yourself facing your past. All the ugliness and drama that you once lived through is staring you in the face again. Instinctively you're back exactly where you were. The confidence and strength that you have disappears and you are standing alone again. The thought of going back is frightening. You tell yourself that you are not without defenses and you should know better, but how quickly it disappears when confronted with all that you ran away from. So how much have you really learned? Know that you are not who you were. Although it seems so, you will not react the same for very long. What you have learned can not be ignored. Acknowledge and be grateful for all that you have learned from the past because it has made you who you are today, a beautiful spirit who has survived.
Wake up and celebrate a new beginning...

(I am not the person who I was yesterday. Though it seems that I take two steps forward and ten steps back. I know that I am not the person who I was yesterday. Only I can protect myself and do what is right for myself. M - thank you for giving me the strength to remember how special I am and  that there are people who love and care for me.)

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