Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Turning Into A Butterfly

How many of you feel as if you are still in the cocoon stage? Still waiting for your big day, when all will be revealed. When you will become the perfect person that you know you can be. And when that happens you will be able to fly away from the humdrum life you've been living. All will be different when you escape your prison of uncertainty. It's not a comfortable place to be when you are not clear of your purpose and path in life. And not being certain if the decisions you've made are ones you can live with. But if you have been listening to us and the spirit that is within you, you would know that you are always where you are supposed to be. You have always been a butterfly. Flying from one experience to another, sometimes getting your wings singed. But being uncertain of your path and not knowing your purpose, is the life of a soul still searching for perfection. If you are to stop for just a minute and give yourself a break, you may begin to understand that being perfect is only a state of mind. You have never left your path and your interactions that impact others are the reason you are here. Never doubt that you are the beautiful butterfly you were born to be.

Be at peace...

(It's one thing to be comfortable with who I am and another to believe that I'm a butterfly. I have a friend who loves butterflies. She, herself, reminds me of one. She's beautiful and has a free and loving spirit. Like a butterfly, people are attracted to her spirit. I wish that one day, she'll be able to see in herself what others see in her. I guess that's what a butterfly is. They do their own thing, regardless of the attention they receive from anyone else. I think I'll practice on being one.)

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