Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Minute To Whine

We acknowledge that sometimes you are confused and that you may not know where you are going. Life is scary and there are no guarantees. Knowing that there is a plan for you should give you the strength and courage to move forward. But there is a point when you want to stomp your feet, shake your fists to the sky, and shout that life is not fair. It's when life has turned upside down with you on the bottom and nothing seems right. It's not that you want understanding or hearing that life has a silver lining. No, whining seems to be the only thing that will make you feel better at this time. There seems to be no sense in the action, but for you it is everything. Well, we will give you a minute to whine but then it needs to stop. Use all the energy you're putting into feeling sorry for yourself to good use. Even if it is to reflect upon your current situation. Gather yourself and push yourself off the pity chair. It is time for all to balance, including your life. 
There is a dragon in all of us...

(It's time to move forward and stop feeling sorry for myself. Whining is okay until it manifests into something physical. Everything becomes a habit when it's done for too long. Not being in a good place is not the place for anyone to be. Everyone deserves a place of healing and I need to create a quiet place again. Whining is a selfish act, but so is taking care of oneself. Both is important for growth.)

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