Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Opening Our Arms To New Things

When we live life thinking how things should be, we miss out on how life could be. Sometimes we are so set in our ways that all we can see is our way or no way. It is in our nature to create a life that is comfortable for us. Anything outside of what we consider safe is wrong. That would include what others say and do. Our view of life is simple: black or white, right or wrong. Although it may seem that we listen to what others say and are open to new ideas, once there are decisions to be made, we go back to what we know to be true. It is scary for us to go outside of our comfort zone because we're not sure if we will get hurt. Fear has a lot to do with going beyond the boundaries that we have erected around ourselves. When anyone gets too close to changing what is familiar to us, we either react in anger towards that person or we outright reject their idea. This prevents our mind, body, and spirit from growing. Life is about trying new things and exploring possibilities. If we live life to the the fullest, we will achieve all we set out to attain. Today, be still. Be aware of how you initially react towards change. Are you as open as you say you are or do you get frustrated when others try to introduce you to new things? Be mindful of how you are responding to others, for being a part of the universe means that change is constant. Release your fears and accept what comes your way with open arms and all will be well.
Try the falafel, it's really good...

(Trying new things comes naturally for me, but I understand how some people do have difficulty being introduced to new things. It becomes very distruptive because it changes what you know to be true. I guess if you look at it from a perspective that it adds to your life, instead being a threat, it may be more accepted. In my family, I have those who open their arms to new things and those that, if able, would keep walking on. How different people are.)

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