Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Challenging Ourselves

For most of us, creating a life which is safe and comfortable is our goal, but is it our destiny? There is a saying, "Don't get too comfortable because when you do a big change is coming." What is the point of our finding our comfort zone, if the universe has other plans for us? No matter what the universe throws at us, being safe will always be a part of our survival instinct. We will build a nest no matter what is happening in our life. Sometimes we need to challenge ourselves to have the right attitude as we go about adjusting our life around the chaos that comes in and out like a tornado. If we face what comes our way with determination, then we can overcome anything and our life won't be as disturbed. Challenges come every day, so it's up to us to keep our life as balanced as possible, so we can meet them with open arms. Today, greet your challenges with a steady resolve. You can integrate all that come your way into your busy life. No more grumbling, for the universe has a plan for us all.
I may have never been here before, but I trust my GPS to guide me..,

(As I get older, it seems as if I have a harder time adapting to new experiences. That's why I love to travel because it challenges me to get outside of my comfort zone. I have to navigate to places I've never gone before, but once I get there the rewards override my initial fears. If I don't venture out and trust that I'll be okay, then I may not hear what the universe is trying to tell me. I can't wait for my next big adventure. I feel like it's coming soon.)

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