Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Letting Go

It's in our nature to hold on to whatever gives us comfort and makes us feel safe. Sometimes we hold on too tightly for fear we may lose what we already have. But in doing this, we may give up the opportunity to bring other things into our lives. We let slip away so many experiences that the universe wants to share with us. When we concentrate so hard on keeping the things we love close to us, we have a difficult time seeing the beauty that surrounds us. Our fears of losing the people we love are reflected in our possessive behaviors, which may actually serve to push them away. When we are in the state of fear, we are not being who we were meant to be. Trusting that we are provided with everything we need may be a difficult concept to understand. But by letting go, we will find that those we love will continue to love us on their own accord. Today, be still in the moment. Think about your loved ones and what makes them so special. Know that by letting go of the fears that surround your relationships, you will discover that they become more meaningful than you can imagine.
Sometimes we aren't open to change...

(This message came to me after I spoke to a young man about his relationship. He was so afraid that the young girl he had met was going to leave him that he worried about it daily. I asked if he spoke to her about it and he said "no". But listening further, I found that his behaviors were reflecting his fears. He is not alone in his fears. I think we all worry at one time or another about our loved ones. I ask myself, "Is what you are worrying about real?" If the answer is no, I let it go. Too much fears, keep me from participating in life.)

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