Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Looking Into The Future

If it were possible, how many of us would like to have the ability to see into  the future? Would the way we live our life change knowing what will happen before it occurs? Although most of us have said at one time or another, "I wish I knew what was going to happen", would we have truly done things so differently. Part of living our life is the anticipation of what is to come. The not knowing teaches us to be flexible and open to whatever comes our way. If we were always prepared because we know the future, there wouldn't be anything to look forward to. Although for some of us, the not knowing can be a pretty scary place to be. Knowing what we've achieved after overcoming adversity, helps us to understand that we don't need to know our future to live life to the fullest. Learning to enjoy and experience where we are in the present is truly a gift. Today, contemplate on the moment. Leave the future where it is, for it will come soon enough. And like in the past, you will overcome all the obstacles that come your way.  When you trust in yourself, there is no need to look into the future.  
What can she tell you that you don't already know...

(I don't tend to ask about my future because I'm too scared to find out what will happen. It's not that I'm afraid that there may be something bad that happens, but it just gives me more to worry about. Remember I tend to be controlling, so organizing the present is difficult as is then having the future to deal with also. I'd have to plan for something that hasn't even occurred yet. No, I think I'll leave the future where it is, a second or two ahead of me.)

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