Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Letting Happiness Into Our Life

We all know someone who always seems disgruntled about life. Nothing ever seems to go right for these people or so they say. If we try to remind them of the good fortune that surrounds us, they will agree that for some people that is true but not for them. So what do we say to those that have chosen such a negative path to walk. Actually there is nothing to say, for they work as hard as we do to be where they are. We are fortunate to have these people in our life for it gives us an opportunity to reflect upon our own life and see where we are being negative and change the course of our own perspective. Appreciate these people for we are all in each others' life for a purpose. Be mindful that negativity does not venture into your own life. Today, be aware of all that you say and do. Be grateful for everyone that has touched your life, for they are now a part of who you are. You choose everyday as to the type of person you will be, so choose wisely. For it is a choice to let happiness into your life.
To see the beauty that surrounds us is a gift...

(Sometimes it's irritating being around people who are negative all the time, but there is purpose in all of our relationships. Although it's not easy, I'm learning to look at myself whenever I'm in the presence of people who are unhappy with life. It makes me appreciate what I have and the people in my life who remind me how truly blessed I am.

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