Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fighting For What We Want

When did things change so much that we are no longer satisfied with the way our life is going. We may not even be aware of what our dreams and desires are anymore because it’s been so long since we thought about them. Is it a matter of us getting too comfortable that we have gone along with the status quo, not caring whether or not we are living the life we dreamt about. If this is the case, then how scary would it be to begin identifying what we want out of life. For now, not being sure of where we are is a good place to be, for it may lead us to the truth. Not knowing may be a good place to start exploring who we are and where we are going. Some of us have gotten too comfortable being unhappy because it seems too difficult to find our way out of the situation we are in. We’ve gotten used to being disgruntled with life and the people that surround us. But think, is this the life you had intended to lead? There is purpose in our lives if we choose to take up the challenge. Knowing that something is different within us is the first step towards acknowledging that it’s time for us to move forward and fight for the life that we were meant to have. Today, think about where you are in your life? Is there something that you have thought about, but never gave yourself a chance to pursue? You can attain your heart’s desire if you have the strength to fight for what you want.
Go ahead and have some...

(You would think that when a person gets to be my age that I would indulge more than I do. I'm not sure if it's culture, gender, or just who I am, but I find that I think too much when it comes time to getting what I want. It's not so much going with the status quo or the challenge of attaining my desires, it's more the level of the wanting. If I really want it then it's mine, but if not it'll sit for awhile. I guess it's all a personal choice. But the seafood boil was something that I did want and enjoyed. Yum!)

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