Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wanting To Say More

 We often times hear that we should be honest with one another and say what we are thinking. That it's not good for us to keep things within, because it will accumlate and make us ill. But on the other hand, is what we say to others truly for their benefit or is it for ours. This may be an ongoing struggle because it may come down to a subjective decision, especially when we feel so strongly that the information that we need to share is crucial. We seem to think that the other person won't be able to live up to their potential, without hearing what we have to say. We are so sure that they will go astray without our help guiding them along their path. Why would they have to go through life learning valuable lessons which may cause them more pain when they have us to save the day? All fun aside, it is not for us to direct others in how they live their life. Knowing what we know, it is our own lesson of being humble that we must attend to. Although we may think we know best for our loved ones, we are no better or worse. It is our love for them that makes us see more clearly, but it is also what will help us to understand that it is their path to make mistakes and learn from them. Today, be quiet. See others for who they are and respect their journey. You are in their life for a reason, be there to support them not lead them on their path. We are all given the gift of sight for a reason, now use it wisely.
Sometimes we see the path so much clearer than others...
(Not sharing all that I know has been a skill that I've had to develop over the years. At first, it was not believing what I knew to be true, then it was understanding that we all have a responsbility to clear our own karma. I can help if asked, but it is best to go through the journey alone. Personal experience is a bitch, but it stays with you much longer. It's not important what I know, but what others will learn in the long run.)

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