Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Moving Beyond Our Fears

For most of us questioning our abilities is part of who we are. Wondering if we are up to performing the tasks that we are called upon to do successfully. It is part of our nature to doubt ourselves, because doubting comes from our fears. Whatever they may be, it is amplified when we are forced to face them. Unless we are able to recognize it for what it is, we may become paralyzed and unable to move forward. It will literally stop us from succeeding in what we are trying to achieve. We have the ability to convince ourselves that we are not ready to move to the next level. It is at this time, we need to talk to those who know us well and support our venture. In other words, allow them to be the voice of reason to walk us slowly through our fears. Although they may not vanish all together, we will come to see them for what they are and work through it with determination and the help of others. Today, take a look at what is holding you back from taking the next step. It is natural to question your abilities, but don't let it become a large part of your life. You are where you are because of your strengths and the weaknesses that you have overcome. Acknowledge your fears and know that whatever comes, you are safe. Step away from the negative self talk that bind you and let the universe guide you safely through the life that you deserve.

If you're going to wait for the bus, why not wait here...

(While on my morning walk, I saw this bench at the bus stop. How relaxing is that. Instead of getting frustrated that the bus is late, you can chill watching the people on the beach. Somehow worrying about the same old stuff isn't as bad when you're surrounded by natural beauty.) 

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