Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Differences Amongst Us

It is human nature to identify ourselves by our differences. At an early age, we instinctively begin to separate ourselves into groups that make us feel more safe. But living a life amongst only those who are similar to us, prevents us from challenging ourselves. Fear is the driving force that keeps us from interacting with others, who are so different from ourselves. We avoid being in uncomfortable situations where we aren't in control. How scary to be in the midst of strangers, not knowing their customs. If we were to see more similarities rather than differences, what would the world be like? Where we would rejoice in meeting someone from another culture, rather than be distant. Be open to the difference amongst us and the world will begin to be at peace. Today, take a moment to get to know someone new. Go outside your circle and explore new cultures. There is so much to learn and so many opportunities that await you just outside your door. You have a chance to change your future if you open yourself to new experiences.
 We are all so different, yet alike...

(I met someone from France yesterday at the bus stop. This was the first time that we had spoken, but he knew enough of the United States' health care system that he scolded me about it until our bus came. It was as if I represented the President's Healthcare Reform Committee. I was more upset with myself because I didn't tell him to stop then I was about what he was saying. At first, I was offended because he was speaking to me as if it was my fault that our healthcare systems is the way it is, but then I became annoyed because I was having difficulty telling him to stop. Well today, I will tell him that it is the end of the day, let's talk about something more pleasant. Wish me luck.)

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