Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Living In The Present

Although we have heard that we should live in the present, this may be one of the most challenging things we can do. It's difficult to move our thoughts away from what has occurred in the past and what may occur in the future. We often times obsess about what we could have done better, the actions of others and missed opportunities. On the other hand, we may get caught up in our dreams about what would life be like if we change the course of our path. Either way, we spend an awful amount of time somewhere else. The present will soon be part of our past and will only be a vague memory of missed opportunities. We can only capture the true intent of the moment while it is happening. Know that our lives are built on miracles that are given to us in the present. It's up to us to use them wisely. Today, capture your miracles. If you are spending too much time worrying and being upset about something that has already happened and you aren't prepared to do something about it, then let it go. You only have a lifetime to create the life you were meant to lead.

These sea urchins depend on living in the moment for their survival...

(Sometimes it's difficult talking to someone who continously has issues with the past because in their minds, the story keeps getting worse. No matter what we say to show our support through this difficult time, it doesn't seem to work. Oh well, the lesson in this is to be still and just listen. Easier said than done.)

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