Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Changing The Course Of Our Path

Sometimes when we least expect it, there is a need to change the course of our path. For many of us, we find comfort in traveling a familiar road. One that we've passed so many times before that we can manuever it's many twists and turns with our eyes closed. We're not anticipating any surprises along the way. But for some of us, the universe may have other plans and we soon find ourselves lost, trying to find our way through the darkness. What was once a familiar place has become strange and we are without reference. It's up to us whether we choose to brave this unexpected turn of events or fall prey to our fears. Taking up the challenge to move forward on a new path takes courage and trust that the compassionate universe continues to flow through us where ever our journey takes us. Today, have faith that you are always on the right path. Although sometimes it seems that nothing is going your way, know that when the time is right, everything comes together like it should. Be patient and you will see how destiny plays out for us all.

What is this...

(Sometimes I just don't have a clue where I am headed. I have no plans or idea what I'm supposed to do next. So at that time, it's best for me to just stop, enjoy the present, and trust that everything will fall into place. I'm so used to planning for the future, that I think I just tire myself out. I guess when I get like this my brain is taking time out to recoup. Although I wish it would give me a head's up before blanking out.)

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