Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Releasing What Is Not Yours To Keep

How many of us have experienced saying something to someone but are left with the feeling that we've either not being heard or what we said didn't matter? For a moment, we may feel hurt that we've been ignored or disregarded. Then immediately afterwards, we do a quick self check to make sure that what we were saying was appropriate and within the context of the conversation or are we just boring conversationalists. Then assuring ourselves that we were making sense and we're not a boring person, we then get upset. How dare the other person not pay attention to what we are saying or put us in a position that we are questioning ourselves? At this point, we need to stop and take a breath before we slide down a slippery slope of self destruction. Know that it is important to release the anger and frustration for it is not ours to keep. What we say is important and as long as it was said with good intention and it doesn't do harm to ourselves and others, it is up to them to either accept it with graciousness or not. We will not let others control our good nature. Today, think before you speak. Take the time to process your thoughts. Are you coming from a compassionate place?  Do not give others permission to mislead you from what you know to be true. You are unique and what you have to say is important. You are part of the universal energy that flows within us all.

Hey wait up, I'm not done talking to you...

(I'm not sure about goats. They are like cats, they have minds of their own. They are strange animals.)

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