Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Beacons Of Lights

During our lifetime, we will meet people who will directly impact our spirit. Sometimes when we happen to encounter those who we feel an extra closeness to, there is an instant bond that makes us feel as if we have met a kindred spirit. Although it may be only for a few minutes, it's as if we were meeting an old friend whom we hadn't seen in such a long while. That's why there is such a loss when we lose contact with these special people. It doesn't matter whether it was just for moment or for a longer period of time, it saddens our heart when these people are gone from our lives . Although it's sometimes difficult to understand what the purpose was to meet them, we know whatever the reason it was significant. It's as if we are directed to these beacons of light who are supposed to remind us of our journey and then see us on our way. They warm our spirit with their messages and then leave us to continue on our path. Today, be aware of all the beacons of light in your life. Appreciate and be grateful of the time that you are able to spend with them. Treasure the moments and the insights that they bring. Let the beacons of light shine your path so brightly, so that your journey is that much clearer.
Let's just enjoy what life brings...

(Life moments are so fleeting and my memory is really bad, so I truly have to enjoy the moment because I'll probably forget it soon enough. I guess that's what they mean by live for the moment because a minute later it's gone.) 

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