Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Bowl Of Noodles

There once was a young man who lived a simple life. Like many of us, he didn't believe what he could not see. He questioned whether the universe actually had plans for everyone or was that wishful thinking. One day as life would have it, this young man was given a job of his dreams, but this meant that he would also have to move to an unfamiliar place. He wanted the job, but was afraid that he would be alone in a strange place. 

Early one morning, the young man walked outside his front door to get the newspaper and saw that a bowl full of noodles had been thrown in his yard. At the same moment, a couple, who were visiting the young man's neighbor, walked towards him. They explained that a boy, arguing with his parents, had thrown the bowl in anger not knowing it would land in the young man's yard. The couple introduced themselves and found that they lived in the community where he was going to be moving. They graciously invited him to stay with them until he could find a place to live and would introduce him to many of their friends who worked at the company where he would soon be. Before parting, the young man thanked them for their kindness and he also thanked the boy who had thrown the bowl of noodles. Even to this young man, the day's events turned out to be very unusual. Today, be aware of the bowl of noodles that may be thrown your way to get your attention. Whether we understand how the universe works or not, it continues to flow with compassion and a sense of humor.
A bowl of noodles never had so much meaning...

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