Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Keeping The Peace

You hear it all the time, "Don't make waves. Just keep the peace". But what does keeping the peace cost you. Over time it's like wearing a heavy coat that doesn't belong to you, weighing down on your spirit. It's not who you are to keep silent about things that you don't feel is right. What is it costing you in the long run by not expressing your feelings? Does this change who you are? Do you even know who you are any more? You've been silent for so long, do you remember what you believe in? During times like these, it may be safer to keep the peace but know that there is still a strong presence within you that exists. Sometimes it takes more courage to keep the peace than it is to fight for something that is fleeting and could put you or family in jeopardy. We believe in what you stand for and the sacrifices you are making. Don't ever forget that keeping the peace is not compromising but a conscious decision that comes from a compassionate heart.
The sun is always shining behind the clouds...

(I used to think that everyone should stand up for what they believe. But I've learned so much since getting older. Sometimes we have to make concessions because of what is going on in our life. Who am I to say what another person has to do? If I believe I am where I need to be, that would extend to everyone else. I pray for those in danger, that they may find their way to safety. Keeping the peace may be the only way to survive in a chaotic world.)

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