Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

It's Time For A Change

As you begin the new year, are you going to continue making the same excuses? How have they been working for you so far? How many years have you told yourself that "I'll do it later, it's not a good time"? When will the time be right for you to make the changes you seek? Change will occur no matter what you do, so why don't you take charge of your life and make the change you want to see. Every day you have an opportunity to make the best of what you have, but you choose to settle for what you receive.  It's time to take a step towards your heart's desire. Acknowledge the blessings in your life, but feel free to also ask the universe for what you want. This is a year to move forward towards living a life that you were meant to live. 
 Beauty is all around you...

(This year is a strange one. It's only January and life has been a little crazy. I've had to step aside and look at what is happening with an objective eye. It's only when taking a moment that I realized that the chaos was around me but not about me. Although it impacts me, it's how I deal with it that keeps me sane. I asked for change and change is what I'm getting.)

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