Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Quieting A Restless Mind

Sometimes as hard as we try, it's difficult to quiet a restless mind. If we were more in control of our environment this would not be a challenge. But living in a world that constantly changes makes it impossible. This being the case, it may be easier to come from another perspective that we don't have control over what occurs around us. It would benefit us if we are able to release our struggle with the unknown and come to an understanding that change is inevitable. Then we can succeed in moving forward because we are now co-existing with change. Our minds will be more at ease knowing that we won't have to go into battle every day fighting against unforeseen events, but welcome them as we would any uninvited guest. We may not be happy of their company, but we will make the best of their visit. Today, quiet your restless mind. It is not important that you solve all the ills of the world within the next 24 hours. Allow yourself to breath and take part in the miracles that will transpire this day. Let your mind observe all so that it can contemplate on how each day leads you closer to the life you are meant to lead.

It's frustrating not knowing what will happen...

(This little girl waited patiently for the water to sprout, while the other kids ran around catching whatever they could. She stood there dry, as everyone got soaked. I admired her tenacity and patience, but I wondered how much fun she was having because she was concentrating so hard.)

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