Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Life Lessons

We often hear about life lessons, especially when we are going through a difficult time. Although it may be easier to cope with our challenges when we are told that the outcome will benefit us in the long run, it also can be a little frustrating trying to come up with what lesson we are being taught. For some of us, we may just give up and hope that what we've learned will help us somehow in the future. And just when we think we have an understanding of some of our lessons, we get tested to see how well we know them. It's like getting pop quizzes in life. In fact, it's like going to a class we didn't sign up for but is mandatory, then not being given a class syllabus so we don't know what lessons are being taught, then finally getting tested for something we haven't really studied for. It doesn't seem fair that we aren't allowed to drop this class which lasts our whole life. Somehow we were born to be lifetime students. Today, be prepared for class. Be attentive. Listen to what others have to say, apply what you have already learned, raise your hand before speaking, take initiative to participate in discussion, and take notes for future reference. Be the best student you can be and you will succeed in life.

No matter how busy life seems to be,
we can always fit in time to reflect...

(We really have to have a sense of humor when talking about life lessons. I think whoever thought of it was very smart. We will now go through life wondering what lessons are we learning and never know if we're correct. I've thought of a few that I have to learn, but again am I right...I'll never know.)

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