Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, September 14, 2013


You are like a child, asking "Why?" You are not satisfied with the answer, that all is as it should be. Even if you were to get a response, would you be satisfied. You spend more time questioning why things are the way they are, then being appreciative with all the blessings that have been gifted to you.  You are unable to see the goodness that surrounds you when you are looking beyond.  You compare yourself to others. Wondering why your path is not as easy or fortunate as theirs. You do not see the struggles that come their way. Not that you choose to ignore them, but what is your cross to bear is not theirs. You are all unique, even the difficulties that challenge you. If you were to wake up each morning attempting to be the best you can be, you would see beyond yourself. For there would be compassion in the way you view the world. There wouldn't be time to ask "Why?", for you would be too busy asking what can I do to live my life being of service to others.
Let's sit here for awhile...

(I'm famous for asking "Why?". The problem with that is that I get an answer even if the question is rhetorical. I understand that I need to stop with the questions. If I spend to much time questioning, I begin to doubt myself. People may say that I'm passionate about things, but it's more about taking action rather than sitting too long on my butt. Too much reflection makes me stagnant. It's time for me to move.)

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