Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, December 30, 2011

With A Little Help

Sometimes when we least expect it, we are given the help we need to move us along our way. Although for the most part we are able to go through life quite easily, there are times when it becomes a little more difficult to maneuver. For whatever the reasons may be, we find ourselves caught up in our emotions. It's at that moment when time seems to have somehow slowed down, that we meet someone who lifts our spirits up. When our spirit is able to see beyond our grief, it is then time for us to change the direction of the path we so easily defaulted to. With the help of our loved ones and those we meet unexpectedly, we can again move forward with a clearer mind and the best of intentions. Today, be open to what the future holds for you. It may be unclear to you at this time, but know that the universe continues to flow through you giving you the inner strength that you need to heal. Remember that there is a time for everything and now is the time to care for yourself.

It takes so little to make us smile...

(F,K,&L - Thank you so much for giving me
 the opportunity to share Angel's memories with you.
 It always surprises me that as unique as we all are,
 how similar our paths may be. Life is about helping each other
get though the difficult times and being there
to celebrate as our hearts begin to heal.
 I wish your family a gentle and loving New Year!)     

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