Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Taking A Break From Life

Sometimes you need to remind yourself that you don't always have to be running with everyone else. You are unique and so is your lifestyle. Although you may feel that a need to keep up with everyone else, it's time to recognize when you've pushed yourself too hard and need to pause for a moment. It is important for you to take a break, to relax and to rejuvenate. By moving so quickly all the time, you tend to create chaos in your life. This is not a natural state of being for you. It is more in your nature to ponder every once in awhile and to enjoy yourself. Now is the time to stop and reassess where you are. Take a deep breath and count your blessings. While you are at rest, acknowledge your strengths, as well as, your weakness for they are what sees you through life. By taking a break from life, you rebuild all that you need to create what you've envisioned.
Sitting on the side is sometimes the best thing to do...

(It's time for me to step aside for a moment and rest. Sometimes when I get into a state of planning and organizing, I lose my focus as to what my original goal was. When things begin to blur, it's time to take a break. Pausing is the best thing for me in finding my balance. Taking a break is not separating myself from others, but going deep within myself to create a place where I can breath again.)

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