Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, October 5, 2012

When Dreams Change

It's a scary place to be, knowing that what you've wanted no longer feels right. Our heart's desires help move us forward on our path, giving us an incentive to work harder. They are so clear in our minds that we have no problems in describing to others what it is that we want. But one day, the vision that we saw so clear doesn't spark our heart the way it always has. We can't understand why we no longer feel the way we do, but we know that what we wanted is no longer what we need in our life. The dream we once had served it's purpose to get us to where we are now and become who we've become, but what is next. That's the scary part, not being sure of where it is that we are headed. It's truly a time to be still and just be. The universe has plans for us that are beyond our own vision. If we open ourselves to the universal energy than all is possible. Dreams may change but our destiny remains the same. Today, have faith that all will be well. Live with love in your heart and laughter in your life and your dreams, no matter how much they change will still be filled with all that is right for you. 
Let's not waste the morning...
(It's not only scary when my dreams change, it's also sad. I think I do change well, but there are times when it's difficult especially when something has been so close to me for so long. It's like having to say goodbye to a lifelong friend. It's still a big part of me, but I have to move on. To what I'm not sure, but I'll soon find out. I have to tell myself that life is an adventure and I have to grasp it with both hands, but sometimes I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. I wonder if the universe knows I can't swim.)

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