Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The State Of Wanting

You may often times get frustrated when you want something but it doesn’t materialize. Your struggle seems to be more defined the longer you go without. Whatever you are determined to get may not be important. It is the fact that you want something and life just doesn’t seem right without it. For most, the state of wanting is not a positive state of being. You would want a life that all of your needs and wants have been fulfilled. So what is the purpose of wanting. Similarly to any muscle, the state of wanting makes you work harder. You may not even notice how you are more attentive and your thinking is sharper while you strive to get what you want. Your body, mind, and spirit seem more alive. A life of wanting is not always a negative place to be. When you are completely satisfied with life, you become complacent. Life is about the ongoing wanting to better your life and in turn to better the lives of others. All roads lead to a life of compassion. Today, reflect upon what you are wanting. What are you doing to achieve your vision? You are stronger than you realize. Use your state of wanting to strengthen your skills of receiving. You have the ability to attain anything your heart desires.
How can life be so beautiful…
(I never thought about the state of wanting as being positive. I’ve always looked at it as if there was something missing in my life. Having the feeling of never having enough. But I guess it makes sense that if I had everything in life, I would become soft. I wouldn’t work as hard and my life would be without goals. I have to think about that. Maybe I need to see the other side of this and do a comparison. For how do we really know what it feels like to be without wanting unless we did have everything.)

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