Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

This To Shall Pass

Everything under the sun has it's moments, then changes when the sun slips over the horizon. The happiness you experience and the sadness which you feel is part of who you are, but this also changes. When you are happy, time slips by so quickly. But when you are experiencing pain, time lingers as if it will never pass. But time is time, no more, no less. You hope that you could hold to precious moments just a little longer as you age, but again time stops for no one. It is only when you begin to understand how precious time is that you appreciate all that you have. Today, be kind to yourself. Believe that you are who you are meant to be in this moment and can achieve all that you desire. Time is quickly moving, so don't delay things that you have put on hold. Those who wait for the right time soon realize that there was never a right time, for every moment is the perfect time to make a difference in your life as well as others.
It's only after the rain do we truly appreciate the sun...
(I understand that time is just time, but for some reason it does seem as if it moves differently depending on where I am in my life. I was just speaking to a friend and told her to "Take things a day at a time", but even that was too long. So many things happen in a day, so we had to break it down to "Take things a moment at a time". It's not that we take on too much because sometimes we don't have a choice. It's more the way we approach what we do. I guess in the coming weeks I need to "Take a moment at a time" to see me through.)

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