Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Realizing Your Potential

What if you were told what your future life would be like? Knowing what your potential would be and living it. Would you follow the path leading towards what may be a more difficult challenge or continue to walk the more easier path? These are choices you make every day. Whether it hinders you further in achieving the life you were meant to lead or gives you comfort so you do not have to face your fears, it is your choice. When seeing it from your perspective, you question how you can have that wonderful life that you were told about and doubt your own abilities to achieve such happiness. But it is yours to attain, if you trust that anything is possible and your purpose for living that life is greater than yourself. Because everyone is inter-connected, the life that you can attain will benefit not only yourself but others. When you think on a larger scale, if you choose not to take on the challenge of living your potential then others will also be directly affected. What now is your choice? Today, reflect upon the life you are leading. What are you doing to pursue the life of your greatest potential? Happiness can be gained in either life you choose, but there is purpose in the life that you were destined for. The universe awaits patiently for your decision. The world will not fall upon you if you choose a quieter way. You will not know the difference your choice has caused others. Life will continue to go on, but things will shift accordingly. What a divine decision.
No one said you couldn't have fun while walking on your path...
(Sometimes I forget that I don't have to be so serious about life. If everything has a purpose and I am supposedly on the right path, then I'm guessing that it's okay to take a break once and while. Learning to relax and be in the moment has always been challenging for me and I feel that the universe is now pushing me along in that direction. But breaking my eyeglasses, that's a little harsh.)

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