Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Balancing Life

For many of you, the thought of having a balanced life seems unrealistic. Most of the time, you are moving so quickly that being able to balance yourself seems to be a concept that you are unfamiliar with. It's either been awhile since you've been able to settle yourself or you've never experienced a moment of peace. Even on your down times, you've been on the move. Sometimes it seems impossible to turn off the wheels in your head. There is so much to do in such little time that being able to give yourself a moment of rest seems to be a waste of time. In order to balance your life, you'd have had to have experienced a time where you actually enjoyed doing something. A time where everything stopped because there was joy in your heart, is when the world balanced itself for you. That is what you want to capture every once and awhile. Being able to stop between your work and what you enjoy in life is where life balances itself. Today, stop and take advantage of the beautiful day. Tell yourself that it's okay to play for the rest of the day, may prove to be worthwhile for you. It takes courage to balance your life and wisdom to capture these special moments so that you'll always remember what gives you the most joy.

I'd like a rainbow sprinkle stick...
(To me, balancing life means enjoying what is presented to you today. I had a bite of my daughter's rainbow sprinkle stick, it was good but the malasada stuffed with creme was much more to my liking. It's the little things in life that brings me joy. It's not always that I find them, but when I do, I don't deprive myself from enjoying them. This was a lesson that I just recently learned. Life is too short to always say "No" to the nice things in life.) 

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