Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Making Amends

Sometimes things happen in life that leave us with regrets. We don't expect disagreements or misunderstandings to occur, but they do. When a relationship ends, one person always seems to be more affected than the other. In fact, while one moves on with their life, the other may still hold on to the raw emotions as if it were yesterday.  It is not to say that we can't have a fulfilling life if we don't resolve this issue, but there is a part of us that still needs to be healed. We may not even realize that an open wound still exists, until we stop to reflect upon that other person. Then the feelings that have been repressed, rises swiftly to the surface again. In order to come to a place of healing, we must understand the role this person played in our lives, for we are all connected in some way. Acknowledge and appreciate that these people were in our life, shaping who we are today. Today, give a prayer of thanks to all those who have crossed paths with you. Whether they were loving or not, they were all an important part of your growth. For a moment, be free of regret and anger. Move on to a place of peace and serenity, so that you live the life you desire.
Let's mend these fences...

(Today, I unexpectedly met with someone who I haven't seen for over 10 years. The last time I saw her, I was upset with how she treated a close friend of mine. I thought she was callous and betrayed a friendship that we shared. Needless to say, my friend forgave this person years ago and this person didn't even remember who I was. How ironic, I was the only one that held on to those crazy moments. Okay, I got the message. It's time to let this one go. What a great lesson.)

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