Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Believing In Ourselves

Sometimes living a life being true to ourselves is difficult when we're not even sure who we are. The foundation we stand on is not as firm as we'd like it to be. When making life decisions, it is easier for us to listen to what others say rather than trusting in ourselves. Our convictions and what we believe in become muddled when we put our faith in those who say they know what is good for us. Standing for what we believe in is challenging. Know that learning who we are takes a lifetime because it is through our experiences and time past does our spirit grow and strengthen in it's resolve that we are unique. Today, listen to the quiet voice within you. It may not always lead you down a familiar path, but trust that it will take you where are meant to be. Believe in yourself.

It's difficult doing what you want to do when it's so different from everyone else...

(This Portland artist builds clocks that come from his dreams)

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