Welcome to Quiet Island Writings! Sometimes when asking for help on our journey, we are sent inspiring messages. Be open to the universal energy that flows compassionately around us all. If you'd like to share your reflections on the writings, click on the daily post title and leave your thoughts. Have an inspiring day!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Who Are You?

Three simple words, yet so challenging. Most would say that they know who they are and where they are going, but when asked the question "Who are you?" didn't know how difficult it would be to respond. It makes you stop and really think about who you are. How do you begin to answer this? Because it's such a simple question, you would think it would be easy to respond to but yet where do you begin to describe all that you are. How long do you think it would take you to answer? There are so many ways that you can respond to this question. But how would you describe yourself? This is a question that you should be asking yourself every so often. Being caught up with the craziness in life, you sometimes forget who you are and where you are going. Pause for a moment and ask yourself today, "Who Are You?" You may truly be surprised at what your answer will be. 
The universe sends us heavenly messages everywhere...

(Such an easy question, but it took me about three weeks to answer and even then I wondered about what I was writing about. Really, who am I? I thought I knew, but... How do you put  in words who you are? Challenging, and very difficult. I finally answered, but I wasn't sure if I was answering correctly. As if there is a right or wrong answer. I even questioned who was it that was asking me who I was. I think everyone should asked themselves this easy, yet difficult question. It really made me reflect who I thought I was.)

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